
Ne discere cessa! Sapere aude!

Don’t stop learning! Dare to understand!



Because you will benefit from:
– studies with financing from the budget;
– teaching materials;
– accommodation in the dormitories of the institution;
– training equipment;
– uniform;
– food in the canteen of the institution;
– job within the General Inspectorate of the Border Police;
– continuity of training through various forms of continuous professional training.

The institution has:

– Study rooms;
– Library;
– Festive hall;
– Gym; – Gym;
– Polygon;
– Electronic shooting;
– Canteen.


An assured future

Are you energetic, punctual and do you like the Border Police uniform ?! Do not hesitate to register for the admission contest at the Center of Excellence in Border Security. Choose to be part of a dynamic, energetic, ambitious and professional team!


It’s just beautiful

Subdivision subordinated to the Border Police of the Ministry of Interior, whose mission is to ensure the initial training and, as the case may be, the continuous training of the Border Police personnel. The initial training in the Center is organized through full-time education lasting 2 years.

It is an honor

Being a border guard is an honor for every graduate of our college.

Responsibility and devotion

It is really a challenge to stay in position and advance as a border guard.

The activity of the center

Working hours 8am – 5pm.

Secure parking

The center has secure parking so don’t forget to pick up your parking ticket at the student services office. This parking permit will provide you with unlimited parking for the entire year of study.

The student dormitory

Student housing is now available. Click here for more information and to book your place now. Spaces are limited, so enter your information into student services to make sure you get the place you want.


With the outbreak of the pandemic, we have complied and offer the possibility to study online.

It is available now

We look forward to participating in these courses.


Technological services

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Applying knowledge

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Extracurricular activities

Young people are always involved in various extracurricular activities

Fraternities and Sororities

Greek fraternities and sororities or letter organizations (GMOs) (collectively referred to as “Greek life”) are social organizations in colleges and universities. A form of social fraternity, they are prominent in the United States, with a small number of non-residential fraternities in France, Canada and the Philippines. Similar organizations exist in other countries, including Studentenverbindungen in German-speaking countries.

Similar organizations, but much less common, exist for middle school students, as well as fraternal orders for other adults. In modern usage, “organizing Greek letters” is often synonymous with the terms “fraternity” and “sorority.” Two additional types of fraternities, professional fraternities and honorary societies, incorporate some limited elements of the traditional organization of the fraternity, but are generally considered a different type of association. Traditional fraternities such as those described in this article are often called “social fraternities.”

In general, belonging to a fraternity or sorority is obtained as a bachelor’s student, but then continues for life. Some of these organizations may accept graduate students as well as students, according to the constitutional provisions.